How to make money online
what's up ecom lion here and i know your
the cpms are just almost as big as this
pimple right here
it's just huge so let's fix that right
the first thing you have to do is
understand what cpm is if you already
know that you can skip ahead if you
cpm stands for cost per 1000 impressions
so if we jump into my facebook ads right
this is a campaign i ran recently and as
you can see here this campaign in
the cpm here 142.26 cents that is
that is that is not okay and to be
honest it has gotten worse over the last
six to 12 months that's because facebook
advertising is getting more competitive
however there is a fix and as you can
see in the campaign above we were able
to reduce it
down to 42.97 so we're going to jump
into that very soon but what you have to
is cpm stands for cost per 1000
impressions that's how much facebook is
actually charging you and your company
to show your ad to 1 000 people
okay enough of the nonsense let's break
into the strategy this is how it's going
to work instead of creating a
conversions campaign from the start what
we are going to do
is create an engagement campaign and run
it for one day maybe
two days tops the idea here is
facebook's going to now see your ad
it's going to send a whole bunch of
cheap traffic into your ads as
engagement traffic so it's not
conversions you're not going to get many
sales if any
from this that's okay that's totally
fine what you're doing is you're getting
people to interact with your pixel
you're getting people to interact with
your ad from there we're going to
duplicate that and make it a conversions
campaign and all of a sudden facebook
goes well
people actually do like this so yeah
let's show it to more people for cheaper
prices from there your cpms will drop
as simple as that and this is how we do
it what you want to do is click create
in the top left hand corner you're then
going to click
engagement we're going to go post
engagement and we can name the campaign
anything we like but let's just call it
engage i can't spell engagement tester
under ad set we're gonna call it ad set
one just for now and under ad we can
call it
add one and then bottom right hand
corner you can't see it right now but
just down here you'll click continue
okay let's make the magic happen so what
you're going to do is under campaign
budget optimization that's what the cbo
stands for earlier
we're going to switch that on and we're
going to make the budget fifty dollars
that's going to allow facebook to assign
as much budget of that fifty dollars at
across the multiple ad sets which we're
going to create right now is let's do
the first one so i add set
this is the category essentially what
your ads are going to run under
you want to leave the ad set name for
now under start time you want to make it
tomorrow and make it from 12am that
the reason for that is because we want
the ad to run across 20 across
24 hours we're going to scroll down and
under locations make it united states
because i know i can only get fast
shipping to usa for this particular
we are then going to start start with
our detailed targeting so this is where
we start targeting the interest now
for this product for this example let's
say we're selling a magic sponge which
helps clean your home so let's say we
want to target
kitchen now kitchen's going to be a very
competitive niche already so we'd
probably go for something
a bit different so i'll scroll down and
go okay um
kitchen knife if you're interested in
kitchen knives you're probably
interested in spending a little bit more
money on like quality products which is
you may want a really quality sponge
we're going to do this do the standard
we're going to exclude drop shipping
give it a second to load we're going to
exclude aliexpress
and we're also going to exclude shopify
be careful here to choose the interest
one not the employers
we're going to leave detailed targeting
off and as you can see we have an
audience now of 1.9 million which is
perfect and we can leave everything as
it is that's our ad set sorted the only
thing i would do is now that i've set
this to be kitchen knife
i would then scroll up and then go
kitchen knife
so for the ads i won't actually go
through step by step i'm going to make
this very very quickly but it's
basically as you normally would for a
normal ad you're going to choose your
facebook page instagram account
we're going to go create new ad and
we're going to set up our ad as we
normally would so i'll do this for us
right now
okay so as you can see here the ad is
ready to go we have our ad we have our
copy all good
to go everything is set up now all we
need to do is actually duplicate it so
we'll change the name
to sponge add one and we can now click
the three dots here and click quickly
duplicate that's going to give us one
copy of the ad
from here we can change it to sponge add
two i'm going to keep the copy and
everything the same the only thing i'm
going to change is the actual thumbnail
or the scroll stopper
so we can test something different out
and see if it works better so i'll
change it to this one
so now we have two ads ready to go we've
got one ad set under kitchen knife
so from here it's just a matter of
duplicating so based off our strategy
what we want to do is have
four total ad sets for our 50 budget so
i'm going to go
action menu go duplicate and then
duplicate it
three times into the existing campaign
so like this
it will take just a moment and now we're
basically all good to go the only thing
we have to do now
is change the interest so let's say we
wanted to target something other than
kitchen knife
let's say we want to target cutting
boards so i would put a cutting board in
there get rid of kitchen knife
and up the top right cutting board
audience size of 2.5 that's very very
good you want them to be very similar
audience sizes anywhere between
2 million up to say 4.55 million is the
golden zone
so we're going to do the exact same
process down here let's go
whatever you do here is what you want to
use very soon the next day or so so make
sure you don't just
choose random ones you actually want to
choose ones which are specific for your
business and your ad
and that is it now there's a couple of
ways to publish this if you've never
published an ad before
or an ad campaign before you can click
and then we can publish it up here
review and publish
the other thing you can do is you can
click publish bottom right hand corner
the only thing i would say is if you do
click publish here it's going to only
publish this one ad set so what you want
to do is come to the very top of the
campaign so it selects the entire
and then click publish that's going to
publish and we are good to go
so we're almost there we wait about 24
hours what we should see now is we jump
back into ads manager after about 24
and your cpm should be nice and low it
should be about three dollars to seven
as you can see um we're in the same
clothes we're not going to wait 24 hours
for this video
but what you will see is a nice low cpm
from there all we have to do is
duplicate this campaigns but you can
duplicate it here
create new campaign number of copies one
everything says stays the exactly the
same you just click duplicate
it's going to pop up pop up our ad
window here on the right hand side
anything in white down here that's the
old campaigns you don't have to worry
about it it's just the green stuff we're
looking at
the first thing you want to do is change
the campaign name
so from cbo engagement tester to cbo
conversions tester
we now change engagement to conversions
a pop-up will appear we just click
and from there we can scroll down now
this is where you set your budget so
before we hit fifty dollars because i'm
just trying to get a bit of engagement a
bit of traffic onto our ads
now we want to run a very proper normal
interest targeting campaign so depending
on which youtubers or which gurus you
you will have different options here i
like to go 100 bucks
over 4 ad sets i feel like that's a
really nice amount for each asset to get
some really quality testing behind it
from here we just have to come into all
of our different ad sets you can do it
manually by clicking each one
one thing that i've found which works
really well is if you just click on the
first ad set
go to the bottom one hold down shift and
then click will highlight all of them
you want to select the conversion event
for the pixel now that's because we have
just set up
a conversion campaign so you do have to
this a conversion event so make sure you
do that it's really really important
the last thing you want to do is go into
each ad set manually and you do have to
do this one manually unfortunately
for some reason when you duplicate a
campaign facebook automatically
turns on detailed targeting expansion so
we've gone from a 2 million audience
to 210 million it's just it's not going
to work so you want to turn that off and
you have to go through each one
turning it off it should only take a
from here we close out we go review and
publish and you click publish
and you're good to go one last thing i
almost forgot to mention
you can now turn off the engagement
campaigns the engagement tester campaign
we ran before
we can now jump back in and switch it
off because
now that we have our conversions running
and we already have a low cpm on the
engagement run
that low cpm should now transfer to the
conversions campaign that's not to say
you're going to get a conversions
campaign with a 5 cpm it won't happen
but what you should notice is your cpm
should be lower than anything you've run
in the past
or it would be lower than what you
normally would run if you found value on
make sure you smash that like button hit
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